РЭЦЦА объявляет конкурс на должность краткосрочного эксперта по гендерным вопросам

Региональный экологический центр Центральной Азии (РЭЦЦА) объявляет конкурс на должность  краткосрочного эксперта по гендерным вопросам с опытом оказания  содействия организациям в разработке рамочных документов по гендерным вопросами и нормативам в частности, а также для проведения гендерного анализа, разработке исследовательских методик и написания статей.

Срок предполагаемого контракта от 6 до 8 месяцев. Форма работы – удаленная, предусмотрен один выезд в головной офис РЭЦЦА в г.Алматы. В то же время, данная позиция предполагает, что эксперт будет содействовать работе и продвигать персонал РЭЦЦА в процессе   развития и подготовки гендерных документов, основанных на результатах брейнсторминга и анализа данных,  полученных  при проведении оценки нужд в пяти странах ЦА и Афганистане.

По итогам работы, результаты деятельности эксперта должны быть представлены как на Русском, так и на английском языке.

Ожидаемые результаты:

1)      Рамочный документ по Гендерной политике РЭЦЦА
2)      Рекомендации по инструментам, методологиям и наращиванию потенциала и умений персонала РЭЦЦА и администрации для построения гендерноориентированной
3)      Гендерные анализ роли мужчин и женщин в использовании водных ресурсов, управлении, образовании и сотрудничестве в Центральной Азии и Афганистане, а также рекомендации о существующих возможностях и необходимых шагах для усиления роли женщин.

Заинтересованных кандидатов, просим отправлять резюме с указанием наименования должности, а также любые вопросы, на электронную почту до 25 сентября 2016 г. на имя Салтанат Наймановой snaimanova@carececo.org

Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) announces an open competition for the position of Short Term gender expert

CAREC is in a search of a short term gender expert experienced in assisting organizations to develop gender related framework documents and regulations in participatory manner, as well as to implement gender analysis, develop research methodologies and prepare easy to read articles.

Service contract to be made for 6-8 months. Mostly it will be a distant work with one short mission to CAREC headquarter in Almaty. It will be not full time job, rather facilitation and coordination of CAREC staff on gender mainstreaming and then preparing a set of documents based on results of brainstorming and analysis conducted within the needs assessment exercise implemented in five Central Asian states and Afghanistan.

Gender expert should be able to work and prepare deliverables in Russian and English.

Expected deliverables:

1)      Gender Policy document for CAREC
2)      recommendations on tools, methodologies and capacity building to arm CAREC staff and administration to build gender related system and practices
1)      Gender analysis of the role of men and women in water use, management, education and cooperation in Central Asia and Afghanistan with recommendations on existing opportunities and needed steps to strengthen the role of women.

More details please find in the ToR

Interested candidate is asked to send his CV and a short explanation of your vision of work and expectations on support and payment.

Term of reference for Gender expert

International gender expert is invited to help CAREC to conduct two important tasks:

1)      To develop a Gender Policy document, which will guide CAREC efforts to introduce gender consideration in its day-to day activities and project implementation. Gender Policy document will suggest useful tools and methodologies to arm CAREC staff and administration to build gender related system and practices.
This task will be implemented in consultation with management staff of CAREC and include review of internal awareness and skills, and suggest capacity building for CAREC staff.
2)      To develop a Regional analysis of gendered aspects of water-related issues and cooperation, the daily use and management of water, and participation in decision-making processes involving water resources, under CAREC-USAID project Smart Waters (draft outline is below). It supposed to be a deskwork implemented in close cooperation with CAREC staff and relevant specialists from all five Central Asian countries and Afghanistan in order to help them to make additional analysis will be required to understand the unique national reviews and use those information for regional analysis.

Under supervision of the Chief of Party, Deputy Chief of Party and Gender expert of CAREC, the International expert will lead the consultation process with CAREC experts from six project countries.

Regional review of gender aspects will become a foundation for designing approaches and activities to address gender-related challenges within Smart Waters project, including interventions that address female empowerment in the water sector in Central Asia and Afghanistan.

Draft outline of gender analysis

Women have potential to promote more efficient use of water resources, through direct or indirect interventions (personal use of water resources and training of water users), which is not sufficiently used yet in Central Asian states and Afghanistan.

In order to understand the possibility of more active involvement of women in project activities and to reach out a targeted indicator (50% of women benefit from Smart Waters), CAREC will find answers on the following questions:

  1. Current role of women in promoting more efficient use of water resources (training, management and development at the regional level, participation in regional cooperation, etc.)

— If gender is considered as national priority and included into national strategies and programmes?
— If women in your country influence decision making on national level?
— May you please indicate positions and proportion of men and women in your organizations?
(for example: managers 50% men and 50% women, specialists 80% men and 20% women, technical workers ??% men and ??% women)
— If there is an imbalance in proportion, may you please comment about the reason? (Tradition, gender limitations or lack of skills and education?)

  1. Are there any barriers and / or incentives for more active participation of women?

— Are there state quotas or programs that encourage the recruitment of women?
— Are there state quotas or programs that encourage women to receive education? If yes, does it in water sector?
— Are there gender-based limitations for works determined by the Government?
— Are there any «gender advantage» to perform certain types of work in the water sector?

  1. What is needed to increase the role of women?

— Incentives and/or capacity building?
— The most effective way to build capacities of women?
— What training topics should be included?

Please forward your CV and a short explanation of your vision of work and expectations on support and payment in English not later than 25.09.2016 by email to Saltanat Naimanova snaimanova@carececo.org


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