Гранты от National Geographic Society

  1. Грантовая программа «Технологии сохранения» от National Geographic Society (Рассматриваются методы экологического диагностического мониторинга для обеспечения практических измерений, связанных с здоровьем экосистемы)

  2. Исследовательские гранты от National Geographic Society (Кандидаты должны разрабатывать и / или внедрять инструменты, которые поддерживают научную работу, в частности сбор данных или анализ данных, таким образом, чтобы создавать учебные навыки для ученых-граждан, включая студентов)

  3. Грантовая программа от National Geographic Society «Создание условий для природы» (Принимаются предложения, которые продвигают науку о природе, систематически проверяя визуальные и маркетинговые методы; визуализация сложных данных; или разработка и оценка новых методов, направленных на мотивацию действий по сохранению дикой природы)

  4. Гранты от National Geographic Society для сохранения больших кошек (Инициатива стремится продвигать усилия по сохранению, приносящие пользу большим популяциям кошек, защищая и восстанавливая их и их среды обитания посредством поддающихся количественной оценке стратегических программ)
  5. Гранты по сохранению от National Geographic Society (Общество будет поддерживать на местах приоритеты Планов сохранения видов МСОП (например, действие Планы, стратегии сохранения, оценки жизнеспособности населения и среды обитания), а также меры по сохранению)
  6. Гранты для лидеров проектов от National Geographic Society (Финансирование опытных руководителей проекта в области сохранения, образования, исследований и технологий)


1. Грантовая программа «Технологии сохранения» от National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society is currently inviting applicants for its Conservation Technologies programme in order to create novel tools and technologies to monitor ecosystem health. In the same way that human health is monitored in real time (e.g., thermometer, MRI, blood pressure), environmental diagnostic monitoring techniques are needed to provide practical measurements correlated with ecosystem health. Because of the complexity and interconnectedness of global environmental systems, scalability is crucial for global monitoring. Examples of the types of tools that could be employed are new processing techniques for satellite data, advanced wildlife camera traps, or globally networked chemical and physical sensors.National Geographic supports the development of cutting-edge technologies that open our eyes to different viewpoints, help us see the world in a new light and explore it in new ways, and transform the fields of exploration, science, and conservation. The planet’s ecological systems are in peril due to climate change and other anthropogenic effects. Our ability to understand how these systems respond to these disturbances is limited by our ability to observe these systems.


Priority will be given to projects that use technology to do one or more of the following:

        Develop tools or capabilities needed to generate data and insights on ecosystem health, biodiversity distribution, patterns, and trends

        Create or reimagine sensing modalities that can be applied to determine ecological health

        Implement new processing techniques that can apply breakthroughs in data mining and machine learning to glean new ecosystem health insights from existing data streams

        Develop low-cost, scalable, long-term, robust in-situ or remote sensing modalities

Funding Information

        Typical proposal requests should be less than $50,000; however, applicants may request up to $150,000.

        All applications should include a clear review of the state of knowledge about the topic and a plan for evaluating the outcomes of the proposed work.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Conservation Technologies

2. Исследовательские гранты от National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society is seeking proposals to support Participatory Science through the development or innovative use of data-driven, technology-powered tools that will increase the understanding, preservation, and protection of our planet. Applicants should design and/or implement tools that support citizen science work, particularly data collection or data analysis, in ways that create learning experiences for citizen scientists, including students. Participation and data generation are of equal importance. Participation must be free for all users and cannot incorporate for-profit activities. Technologies might include mobile applications, web-based applications, or hardware and sensors with direct citizen science usage. Projects should create learning experiences through the collection of data and/or ground-truthing of data relevant to the trends or status of threatened and poorly known species, ecosystems, or human cultural/linguistic diversity.


        Priority will be given to research, education, and technology projects that create and execute new digital applications, transform existing applications and products, or use current technologies to do one or more of the following:

        Teach students and other citizen scientists about the planet using experiential, crowdsourced technology

        Encourage students and other citizen scientists who engage with these technologies and projects to build the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary to become stewards of the planet and contribute to solving real-world issues

        Generate data and/or develop open-source technologies that contribute to scientific inquiry and advance our understanding of the planet

        Additionally, all applicants should include a technologist on the project team and

        detail how applicants will share regular feedback from the project with citizen scientists;

        document a basic outline to create, implement, and evaluate participation; and

        note any scientific or educational outputs, technology used and/or created, data quality, participant experience, outreach plans for activating the public (including students), potential planetary impacts, and considerations for legal and ethical issues surrounding intellectual property, data sharing, and attribution.

Funding Information

        Typical proposals should request less than $30,000; however, applicants may request up to $50,000.

        All applications should include a clear review of the state of knowledge about the topic and a plan for evaluating the outcomes of the proposed work.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Participatory Science

3. Грантовая программа от National Geographic Society «Создание условий для природы»

National Geographic Society is currently inviting applicants for its programme entitled “Making the Case for Nature” to determine effective ways to market wildlife to inspire positive action to save species and ecosystems by applying principles of science communication.


Priority will be given to projects that aim to do one or more of the following:

        Identify the specific visual and narrative communication mechanisms that will elicit action for wildlife conservation from target audiences. Multidisciplinary collaborations between scientists (e.g., neuroscientists, psychologists) and visual artists (e.g., photographers, videographers, painters, technologists) are strongly encouraged

        Measure differences in attitudes and/or behaviors across diverse audiences (e.g., ages, geographic regions, backgrounds) based on how information about wildlife is presented; proposals that use creative approaches to overcome sample size issues are encouraged

        Apply and test social marketing principles to determine best practices when communicating about wildlife conservation to inspire action and increase or maintain engagement from target audiences

Funding Information

Typical proposal requests should be less than $30,000, but applicants may request up to $50,000. Successful applicants may use awarded funds over one or two years.

Eligibility Criteria

        National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that advance the science of nature communication by systematically testing visual and marketing methods; visualizing complex data; or developing and evaluating new techniques directed to motivate action to conserve wildlife.

        Requesting funds to “buy out” salaries for full-time employees from their institutions is not allowed. All applications should include a clear review of the state of knowledge about the topic and a plan for evaluating the outcomes of the proposed work.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Making the Case for Nature

4. Гранты от National Geographic Society для сохранения больших кошек

The National Geographic Society has announced a request for proposals for its Big Cats Conservation Initiative to identify projects that will help halt the decline of big cats worldwide.

The National Geographic Big Cats Initiative seeks to advance conservation efforts benefitting big cat populations, protecting and restoring them and their habitats via field-based, action-oriented, direct, and quantifiable strategic programs.Projects may be based in any of a broad spectrum of conservation, education, development, and scientific ventures, but projects with direct, quantifiable methods for saving big cats in their native landscapes will be most successful. The Big Cats Conservation RFP covers the following species:

        Lion

        Cheetah

        Leopard

        Tiger

        Snow Leopard

        Clouded Leopard

        Sunda Clouded Leopard

        Jaguar

        Puma


Priority will be given to projects that aim to do one or more of the following:

        Run anti-poaching programs;

        Perform interventions to reduce big cat mortalities;

        Build and maintain livestock enclosures that protect livestock from predation and cats from retaliatory killings;

        Provide educational opportunities that increase knowledge of the threats to big cats and promote participation in big cat conservation efforts;

        Test new technology;

        Establish economic incentives for local people to ensure long-term survival of big cats;

        For cheetahs, seek to fulfill the recommendations from formal regional strategies and national action plans.

Funding Information

        Typical proposal requests should be less than $50,000; however, applicants may request up to $100,000. Successful applicants may use awarded funds over one or two years.

        Up to 20 percent of the total can be used as a stipend for the applicant and/or team members.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Big Cats Conservation.

5. Гранты по сохранению от National Geographic Society

Applicants are invited to apply for the National Geographic Society’s ‘Recovery of Species on the Brink of Extinction’ program to halt further biodiversity decline by implementing species conservation plans.National Geographic Society will support on the ground priorities of IUCN SSC Species Conservation Plans (e.g. Action Plans, Conservation Strategies, Population and Habitat Viability Assessments) as well as conservation actions that are endorsed by the relevant IUCN SSC Species Specialist Group.Preference will be given to proposals that include feasible plans to demonstrate change in key, quantifiable indicators of: for example, reduction in drivers of population decline (e.g. unsustainable hunting, fishing or logging); or increase in numbers, degree of protection, or connectivity of populations of the target species.


Proposals that focus on the following themes are encouraged:

        Specific and defensible priority actions to avert a species decline;

        Projects that include the active involvement of early career conservationists;

        Projects that support conservation leaders from the countries where the species occur

Funding Information

        Typical proposal requests should be less than $30,000; however, applicants may request up to $50,000. Successful applicants may use awarded funds over one or two years.

        Up to 20 percent of the total can be used as a stipend for the applicant and/or team members.


Funds are not restricted by taxon or region; proposals must include principal investigators or participants resident in the country where the fieldwork will be conducted and show indication of legal permission to conduct the work if funds are granted.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Recovery of Species on the Brink of Extinction.

6. Гранты для лидеров проектов от National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society is seeking proposals for its Exploration Grant which is a request for funding by an experienced project leader in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology. Grants are typically funded for between US $10,000 and US $30,000. Eligibility Criteria

        Project Leadership

        Applicants may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. However, applicants may be a project member or co-applicant on multiple grants simultaneously. Applicants must submit a final report and media from any previous grants for which applicants were the leader before applying to lead a new project.

        Organizations can apply for grants, but the person within the organization who will lead the project—not the institution—should be the applicant and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant.

        Students should not submit in their advisor’s name. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should apply and write the application.

        Age Restrictions

        All applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time they submit an application.

        Citizenship

        National Geographic Society encourages applications from around the world. If applicants are planning to work outside of their home country, applicants must include the name and contact information for at least one local collaborator as a project team member in the application. Please note that the National Geographic Society does not assist with visas.

Deadline: 10 July 2018 For more information, please visit Exploration Grant

Источник: http://www.ecoforum.uz/

Рассылка «Общественного Совета при МКУР МФСА».

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