Гранты от Японского фонда глобальной окружающей среды (JFGE)

Поддерживаются проекты по сохранению окружающей среды, реализованные НПО в развивающихся регионах.
Поддерживаются проекты подпадающие под эти категории:
Более подробно на английском языке ниже.

  • Охрана природы, сохранение и восстановление
  • Сохранение лесов и посадка деревьев / травы
  • Противодействие опустыниванию
  • Сельское хозяйство способствующее сохранению окружающей среды
  • Смягчение последствий и адаптация к изменению климата
  • Создание общества, ориентированного на рециклинг
  • Сохранение воздуха, воды и почвы
  • Всестороннее экологическое образование
  • Комплексные природоохранные проекты
  • Другие природоохранные проекты


The Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE), a division of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan (ERCA) was established in 1993 by an initial endowment from the Japanese government together with contributions from the private sectors, including individuals and private corporations. The interest accrued from these fund management is then used to support for the activities of NGOs aiming at environmental conservation.

Grant Categories & Amount Available

        Entry Grant: Grant to support grass-roots projects to expand
        Grant Period: 1 year (One term per organization)
        Range of Grant Amount (per year) is Minimum 500,000 JPY ~ Maximum 3,000,000 JPY
        Continuous-Project Grant: Grant to support grass-roots projects to take a root in the site as self-sustain project
        Grant Period: Maximum 3 years (One term per organization)
        Range of Grant Amount (per year) is Minimum 500,000 JPY ~ Maximum 3,000,000 JPY
        General Grant: Grant to support organizational growth by realizing projects efficiently through refining skills
        Grant Period: Maximum 3 years (two-year-break required for organization received Regular Grant for two terms in a row)
        Range of Grant Amount (per year) is Minimum 2,000,000 JPY ~ Maximum 6,000,000 JPY

Eligible Projects

Conservation projects that fall into following categories are eligible:

        Nature protection, conservation and restoration
        Forest conservation and tree/grass planting
        Anti-desertification
        Agriculture of environmental conservation type
        Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
        Building of a recycle-oriented society
        Air, water and soil conservation
        Comprehensive environmental education
        Comprehensive environmental conservation projects
        Other environmental conservation projects

Eligibility Criteria

        Environmental conservation projects implemented in developing areas by Non Japanese NGO
        Applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
        The organization must be a non-governmental organization(NGO) or a non-profit organization (NPO)
        The organization must possess an Articles of Incorporation or its equivalent by laws
        The organization must possess a well-established board of directors and work forces that make decisions for the organization and implements the proposed project
        The organization must possess an accounting structure capable of bookkeeping and self-auditing
        The organization must possess an office that serves as a base of their project
        The organization must prove that they have enough capacity to execute the proposed project by presenting the firm evidence, such as activity report of previous project and achievements
        Note: JFGE grant for overseas is exclusively for the environmental conservation activities implemented in developing countries and areas.

Deadline: 5 December 2018 For more information, visit https://bit.ly/2fYH1D3

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