Он-лайн опросе на тему научно-политического взаимодействия по вопросам земельных ресурсов
Дорогие коллеги,
Приглашаем вас принять участие в он-лайн опросе на тему научно-политического взаимодействия по вопросам земельных ресурсов, которое проводят наши коллеги из Центра развития и окружающей среды Бернского университета в Швейцарии (CDE). Подробная информация ниже.
Алма Карсымбек
Горное Партнерство
On-line survey on Knowledge for Sustainable Transformation
Accompanying the first years of the recently endorsed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) of the United Nations, the Global Land Programme (GLP) is working to demonstrate how to produce knowledge for sustainability transformations. This is done by demonstrating new forms of interaction and collaboration between researchers, policy makers and development practitioners including the development of a science-policy interface on land where policy-makers, civil society, and land system scientists and other researchers can work together to identify pathways for sustainability transformations.
We would be very much interested to hear your ideas, experiences and involvement regarding the SDGs related to land and your involvement with the research community.
We would be very pleased if you could fill out the following survey: https://glp.earth/policymakers
The GLP International Programme Office (http://glp.earth),
University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) (www.cde.unibe.ch)
Ariane de Bremond (Executive Officer), Isabelle Providoli and Albrecht Ehrensperger (Research Scientists), Peter Messerli (CDE Director / GLP co-chair)