РЭЦЦА объявляет вакансию на должность: международный консультант по наращиванию потенциала медиа-профессионалов Центральной Азии

Расположение: Алматы, Казахстан
Дата начала: май 2019 г.
Срок действия и форма контракта: контракт на консультационные услуги, единовременные выплаты по небольшим поручениям (индивидуальный консультант), май — декабрь 2019 г.
Дата закрытия вакансии: 20 мая 2019 г.

Цели задания
Основная цель данного задания — создать потенциал специалистов в области средств массовой информации из стран Центральной Азии в области изменения климата и обеспечить лучшее освещение этой темы в регионе и за его пределами.

Объем работ и задач, подробное ТЗ на английском языке здесь ToR_IC_building capacity of Central Asian media professionals_2019

International Consultant on Building Capacity of Central Asian Media Professionals


The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) announces a vacancy for the following position:


Name of the position: International Consultant on building capacity of Central Asian media professionals

Host organization: The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia

Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan

Starting date: May, 2019

Duration and form of contract: Contract for Consulting Services Small Assignments Lump-Sum Payments  (Individual Consultant), May – December, 2019

Closing date of the vacancy: May 20, 2019


Objectives of the assignment  

The main objective of the assignment is to build capacity of media professionals from the countries of Central Asia on climate change and ensure better coverage of the topic in the region and beyond.


Scope of work and tasks

In his/her activity the International Consultant shall be guided by the Project Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. He/she will be responsible for providing support to the RCU in the following activities:

  1. Conduct a desk-research/ interviews with potential participants to identify current and past training programs focused on climate change issues in the region of Central Asia conducted by other partners. Identify gaps and provide recommendations on better media coverage in the region.
  2. Based on the results of the desk research develop a comprehensive training program that will offer a fresh training content.
  3. Provide recommendations to the members of the selection committee to identify the participants for the regional training from professional mass media from all five countries of Central Asia (at least 5 members from every country)
  4. Identify speakers and experts as necessary to present expert content at the training.
  5. Conduct a regional 3-days training with a focus on climate-change issues in the region (2 days classroom exercises with the use of lectures, tests and practicum, assuring an interactive approach for capacity building module and facilitate 1 day — field visit).
  6. Conduct a series of the national 1-day trainings with a focus on climate-change issues in the region (1 day classroom exercises with the use of lectures, tests and practicum, assuring an interactive approach for capacity building module).
  7. Assure pre- and post-training assessment and provide reports


The detailed ToR is available in the attachment


Interested candidates are asked to send their detailed CVs both on Russian and English and cover letter to Mr. Sanzhar Mustafin, Procurement Specialist of CAMP4ASB project not later than 11:00 (Almaty time) May 20, 2019. E-mail: SMustafin@carececo.org


NOTE: Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


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