USAID собирает проектные предложения по изменению климата на 2013 год

USAID собирает проектные предложения по изменению климата на 2013 год — устойчивый ландшафт, экологически чистая энергетика и адаптация, с целью усилить устойчивость стран к изменению климата, и способствовать снизить выбросы.
USAID seeks proposals for climate change program- Sustainable Landscapes, Clean Energy and Adaptation 2013 to enable countries to accelerate their transition to climate resilient, low emissions development.

Sustainable Landscapes
The goal of USAID’s sustainable landscapes programming is to slow, halt, and reverse deforestation, ultimately leading to a reduction in emissions. Deforestation and forest degradation are major sources of carbon dioxide emissions globally accounting for an estimated 15% of annual global emissions. USAID investments target a small number of countries and regions with high priority forest landscapes, high “demonstration value” activities or MRV systems for forest emissions and market readiness.

Clean Energy
The goal of USAID’s clean energy programming is to establish the foundation for low carbon energy systems towards the goal of low emissions development. USAID is currently prioritizing work with partner countries that are a mix of existing major greenhouse gas emitters and those projected to become major emitters on a business-as-usual development pathway. Priority is given to countries implementing key reforms that are preconditions to successful clean energy development and/or are demonstrating regional
leadership on clean energy issues. Programming priorities include a focus on regional energy markets, capitalizing on renewable energy potential, and leveraging private sector finance.

The goal of USAID’s adaptation assistance is to reduce the vulnerability of human or natural systems and livelihoods to the impacts of climate change and related risks. Assistance seeks to support work in three main areas: Science and analysis; adaptation
governance; and identification and implementation of climate solutions. USAID prioritizes work with least developed countries, small-island developing states, and glacier-dependent countries.

Award-USAID anticipates entering into 1 or 2 partnerships in the 3-5 year, $5-10 million dollar life of project range. Assuming a 1:1 match, this represents a $2.5 – $5 million dollar USAID contribution. The number of awards and amount of available
funding is subject to change.

Eligibility-open to any type of entity/ Nationality.
For more information, visit and search by number.APS-OAA-12-000003-ADDENDUM  Deadline- Jan 31, 2013

Countries/Region- All Countries

Источник: рассылка  «Общественного Совета при МКУР МФСА»

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