Стипендия для молодых экологов

Обучение на английском языке. Flyer_doenhoff fellowship at succow foundation

Until 1st July 2014 young conservationists from countries of the former Soviet Union may apply for the Marion Dönhoff Fellowship at the Michael Succow Foundation. The programme aims to promote critical debate and enlightenment in environmental journalism, political economy and sustainable development.

The fellowship is geared towards post-graduates with first professional experience and activists of civil society networks and environmental NGOs. Up to four fellows may be funded yearly, each for up to five months of independent research on questions of environment and sustainability.
During this period the Michael Succow Foundation supports the fellows researching their chosen subjects, which must comply with the programme’s goals. Fellows are to publish their results.

All information on the application process is provided online under Marion Dönhoff Fellowship at the Michael Succow Foundation and in the Flyer «Marion Dönhoff Fellowship at the Michael Succow Foundation», also attached as pdf.

Please feel free to forward this information in print and online. The Michael Succow Foundations is looking forward to your application!

Nina Körner
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur
Ellernholzstr. 1/3
D-17489 Greifswald

Phone: +49 (0)3834 — 83542-15
Fax: +49 (0)3834 — 83542-22
E-mail: nina.koerner@succow-stiftung.de


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